
This is a Friendship Book, written by six friends (Mary Ann Samonte, Ermela Sarenas, Roxanne Roque-Vasquez, Myra Anne Trinos, Sheila Ordaniel-Claravall and Mercy Mendoza-Soriano), the year after their high school batch's silver jubilee celebration. Six women, six styles, six views of LIFE, and how BLISS can be achieved, no matter what age you are.

  • Life in the Middle
  • by:  Mercy Mendoza-Soriano ,
    Myra Anne Trinos ,
    Roxanne Roque-Vasquez ,
    Sheila Ordaniel-Claravall ,
    Ermela Sarenas and Mary Ann Samonte
    • ISBN
    • Page length
      244 pages
    • Dimension
      6 x 9 inches



This is a Friendship Book, written by six friends (Mary Ann Samonte, Ermela Sarenas, Roxanne Roque-Vasquez, Myra Anne Trinos, Sheila Ordaniel-Claravall and Mercy Mendoza-Soriano), the year after their high school batch's silver jubilee celebration. Six women, six styles, six views of LIFE, and how BLISS can be achieved, no matter what age you are.