Packages and Rates
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Books on Demand
Books on Demand Service
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Publish your books
Submit a complete print-out of your manuscript and detailed page-by-page description of all formatting that you wanted done. We need this to see everything as you expect the book to be, so a completely edited file in PDF format with fonts embedded is a must. If your book is not yet encoded or formatted, we also offer these services at discounted rates.
All graphics, illustrations, and pictures should be scanned and submitted within the file as well. If scanning images are requested, our packages include up to 10 images scanned.
We devote up to 2 hours of operating time to make some basic corrections to your reviewed proof copies. If your changes are more extensive, we will contact you with a quote before proceeding. Two proof copies are included in the packages, additional proof copies will be charged separately.
Please note that there is a ₱1,500 handling/setup fee for initial orders below 50 copies. Reprint orders shall be a minimum of 50 copies.
Inside book paper stock is either 70 or 80 gsm imported white book paper. You may also ask our Publishing Specialists for cream paper or newsprint samples. Full-color covers are printed on imported acid-free coated stock with weight depending on the thickness of the book.
Printing resolution is at 600-dpi black and white laser quality. Photo quality resolution and color page inserts can be provided at an additional cost.