Books on Demand

Books on Demand Service

Getting Started

Step to publish

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Publish your books


Complete and hassle-free services for self-publishing authors.
  • Discounted print costs using our Print on Demand system
  • 2 proof copies for review prior to mass production
  • Assign an International Serial Book Number (ISBN)
  • Create barcodes for the book
  • Deposit 3 copies for the Philippine Copyright Registration
  • Assist on the cover layout using illustrations or photos from the author
  • Store and backup of finished digital book for easy archival and reprinting
  • 10 full-colored promotional posters (or equivalent bookmarks or postcards)
  • Provide book review for readership
  • Paid marketing ad for digital marketing
  • Running banner on website landing page
  • Avail the Books on Demand Service for book distribution (Optional)
  • Chance for book to be carried in National Bookstore branches (8-10 stores)
  • Chance to launch book and do book signings in book fairs participated by CentralBooks
  • Chance for book to be nominated in book/publication-related awards
  • Access to exclusive Publish on Demand author events
  • Website sliding banner for 1 month in CentralBooks online store


For printing-only arrangements suitable for publishers and independent authors.
  • Discounted print costs using our Print on Demand system
  • 2 proof copies for review prior to mass production
  • 6 full-colored promotional posters (or equivalent bookmarks or postcards)
  • Create barcodes for the book
  • Deposit 3 copies for the Philippine Copyright Registration
  • Assist on the cover layout using illustrations or photos from the author
  • Store and backup of finished digital book for easy archival and reprinting
  • 10 full-colored promotional posters (or equivalent bookmarks or postcards)
  • Provide book review for readership
  • Paid marketing ad for digital marketing
  • Running banner on website landing page
  • Avail the Books on Demand Service for book distribution (Optional)
  • Chance for book to be carried in National Bookstore branches (8-10 stores)
  • Chance to launch book and do book signings in book fairs participated by CentralBooks
  • Chance for book to be nominated in book/publication-related awards
  • Access to exclusive Publish on Demand author events
  • Website sliding banner for 1 month in CentralBooks online store