Arbiter Benedict Kato
Arbiter Benedict Kato is a highly respected Bar Reviewer and Pre-Week lecturer. He is mainly a Labor Arbiter in NCR, and is a member of the UP Law Center Panel of Experts in Labor Law.
He is also currently a Law Professor focusing on Labor Laws at the following universities:
University of Santo Tomas, University of the East, Tarlac State University & Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Formerly, he taught at University of Manila, Saint Louis University, University of Cebu and University of Baguio.
He is a Bar Reviewer & Pre-Week Lecturer at the following Bar Review Centers (in the order invited): ABRC, ChanRobles Online Bar Review, Magnificus Juris, Villasis Law Center, Great Minds Review Center, UST Bar Review, New Era Bar Review, SBU Bar Review, PUP Bar Review, TSU Bar Review, Legal Edge Bar Review Center & UA&P Bar Review.
Arbiter Kato has written books on his legal expertise, such as Survival Notes in Labor Law, Bar Questions & Answers in Labor Law, Bar Syllabus-Based Reviewer in Labor Law, Labor Standards Law: A Remunerative and Protective Law & Labor Relations Law: An Organizational
Tenurial Law Awardee
He is also a consistent NLRC Top 10 Performer for the years 2017, 2018 & 2019.