Justice Arturo D. Brion

Justice Arturo D. Brion

Justice Arturo D. Brion is a retired Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court. After retirement, he has devoted himself to teaching law, writing, legal consultancy, corporate directorship, and voluntary arbitration. Before joining the Supreme Court, he was Secretary of Labor and Employment under President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo; a Justice of the Court of Appeals; and a Senior Partner at the Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako Law Offices. He graduated valedictorian and cum laude from the Ateneo Law School (L.L.B.) in 1974 and Osgoode Hall Law School (LL.B.) in 1994. He ranked No. 1 in the 1974 Bar Examinations.

Books By Justice Arturo D. Brion