Books on Demand

Books on Demand Service

Getting Started

Step to publish

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Publish your books

With our Book on Demand Service, you can sell your newly-published books in any of our 6 stores around the country. Our online store is also optimized to sell your book nationwide 24/7.

Using the Book on Demand Service is convenient and hassle free. We can automatically reprint your books and re-stock them in our stores when the need arises.

To join your publication into our BOD Service, you simply leave 50 copies of your book with us. The proceeds of the first 50 copies shall be: 70% of the selling price goes to the author and the remaining 30% shall go to the store as a distribution charge.

Our stores will restock your book when the need arises and for each reprinted copy you will receive a high 70% of the gross margin as your royalty. You will receive the royalties every 6 months.