Dr. Roxel A. Apruebo
Dr. Roxel Alegre Apruebo, R.L.G.C, born in Quezon City, is a Registered and Licensed Guidance Counselor (RLGC) and a practitioner, who holds a consistent degree in Psychology. His parents (deceased), Atty. Rodolfo A. Apruebo and Atty. Aida A. Apruebo hail from Roxas City, Capiz. He obtained a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (Summa Cum Laude) and M.A. Psychology (Benemeritus) from the University of Santo Tomas. He finished B.S. Psychology at the Far Eastern University. He is a Fellow of the Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) and a member of the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA). He is a Professor of Psychology of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). He is invited to teach as an Associate Professorial Lecturer at the University of Santo Tomas Graduate School (USTGS) and a visiting Professorial Lecturer of the Philippine Women’s University Graduate School (PWUGS). He teaches Foundation of Psychology, Systems and Theories of Psychology, Theories of Personality, Clinical Psychology, Advanced Psychological Testing, Advanced Projective Techniques, Rorschach Technique, Forensic Psychology, and other major subjects of the aforementioned school. He taught as a Special Lecturer at the Colegio de San Lorenzo and University of the East. Dr. Apruebo authored several textbooks such as PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY VOLUMES 1 AND 2, PSYCHOMETRIC TESTS, PROJECTIVE TESTS, INTRODUCTORY SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY, ESSENTIALS OF ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOR, APPLIED CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY, and SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY. As a Test Developer, he authored PERSONALITY DISORDERS INVENTORY (PDI), COPING MECHANISMS STRESS RATING SCALE (CMSRS), NON VERBAL TEST (NVT), PSYCHOLOGICAL INCAPACITY RATING SCALE (PIRS) with co-author Dr. Arnulfo V. Lopez, and other assessment instruments. Dr. Apruebo is consulted and invited by Lawyers and Judges as Expert Witness in cases to the Guardianship and to the Psychological Evaluation/Incapacity of clients for about 19 years. His capacity as Professor of Forensic Psychology and Expert Witness enabled him to write a law book as co-author of the first edition, 2006 titled LEGAL AND CLINICAL BASES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INCAPACITY. He also appeared in several Regional Trial Courts (RTC) in Manila City, Quezon City, Caloocan City, Makati, Parañaque, Pasig, Marikina, Batangas City, Cagayan de Oro City, and other places, as Expert Witness; and on television programs as guest Clinical Psychologist. The Supreme Court Decision (G.R.No.161793), NGO TE versus ONG GUTIERREZ YU-TE, cited author’s scholarly work and expert proof and averred PEERS’ (Psychological Extension Evaluation Research Services) psychological assessment method in evaluating psychological incapacity on February 13, 2009. Likewise, Dr. Apruebo was cited as authority by JUDGE ROMEO F. ZAMORA, a recognized jurist in the law on nullity and annulment, Branch 94, Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, as Guest Lecturer on “Jurisprudence and The Law on Nullity and Annulment of Marriage: Revisited,” in the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education sponsored by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), Quezon City Chapter held at the Quezon City Sports Center on November 22, 2002. He also was interviewed and cited as authority by ATTY. VICENTE C. RAMIREZ, JR., in his revised law book titled THE LAW ON MARRIAGE, 2009. At present he is the Chief Psychologist of PEERS located at suite 403 Ablaza Building, 117 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City. Tel. Nos. 413-08-44/46; Email: peersoffice@yahoo.com.