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Legal Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence



This book presents how legal concepts are applied in the practice of medicine and how medical knowledge is used to resolve certain issues in legal practice. The expert witness and the use and interpretation of medical evidence are emphasized throughout the textbook. Practical approach to concepts of medical jurisprudence and legal medicine are also presented and explained in non-technical terms for easy understanding and immediate reference.


Law and Medicine are at the opposite ends of the professional spectrum. Nevertheless, the practice of medicine involves the application of legal concepts, and the practice of law requires a basic understanding of the practice of medicine. This would explain why legal medicine and medical jurisprudence is a core subject in the medical curriculum and remains to be a required subject under the Juris Doctor program to become a lawyer.

This book presents how legal concepts are applied in the practice of medicine and how medical knowledge is used to resolve certain issues in legal practice. The expert witness and the use and interpretation of medical evidence are emphasized throughout the textbook. Practical approach to concepts of medical jurisprudence and legal medicine are also presented and explained in non-technical terms for easy understanding and immediate reference.

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Page length

186 pages
