Atty. Jemy Gatdula

Atty. Jemy Gatdula

Atty. Jemy Gatdula is a lawyer specializing in International Economic Law and Constitutional Law. A lecturer at University of Asia and the Pacific and a columnist for Business World, he continues to work and speak on the various issues of public import and relevance, and has authored, co-authored, and edited articles on the same. Jemy was the Bar Examiner for Political Law and Public International Law for the Philippine Bar Exams of 2009, and has appeared before various governmental and academic institutions, including the Philippine Judicial Academy, Congress, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, foreign governments, and international organizations. He has been interviewed by several leading news outlets such as Bloomberg TV, CNN, ANC, The 700 Club, and the Financial Times, among others.

Books By Atty. Jemy Gatdula