Dean Salvador N. Moya II, LL.M.

Dean Salvador N. Moya II, LL.M.

Dean Salvador N. Moya has several accolades, acquiring his masterate in Master of Laws (LL. M.) in PLM Graduate School of Law (PLM-GSL) before earning his doctorate in Civil Laws (DCL) at the UST Graduate School of Law.

A managing partner and head litigator of Moya Ablola Ebarle Law Firm, he is also a pre-Bar Reviewer in Remedial Law at the UP Law Center, Villasis Law Center, and Powerhaus review Center; Chair’s Cases (Criminal Law) at the Legal EDGE and Recoletos Review Center.

He also teaches law at a number of known universities, to name a few, San Sebastian, University of the East, and Bulacan State University.

His most recent publications are Bar Reviewer in Remedial Law (Syllabus-Based) Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4

Books By Dean Salvador N. Moya II, LL.M.