Philippine Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Law
It’s a good thing because the law gives the owner or operator of a motor vehicle the option of either to:-secure an insurance policy or surety bond issued by any insurance company authorized to transact business in the Philippines, or, to make a cash deposit.
Handbook on Insurance Law (RA 10607)
On a more serious note, this material is based on my course outline which I have been using for the past decade. It highlights the bar examination questions since 1975 to 2018 and salient Supreme Court decisions in every topic.
Quizzer and Reviewer on Insurance Code and Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act [Fria] of 2010
This book as any other book I wrote merely opens the box of ideas of the reader and brings forth vast knowledge that only the reader could unlock with the aid of this book or any book I have written.
Philippine Casualty Insurance Law
The primary purpose of this work is to try to explain and even expand the Casualty Insurance Law in the Code which by the way is only allotted but one Section (Section 176) out of the 448 Sections of the Insurance Code.
Insurance and Pre-Need 555
The author of this reviewer on the Law of Insurance [Insurance Code (R.A. No. 10607) and Pre-Need Code (R.A. No 9829)], Deputy Commissioner Erickson H. Balmes of the Insurance Commission and a former Undersecretary, Department of Justice, has ensured this by complying with all that are desirable in a reviewer. This book is the first reviewer of its kind. The contents have been culled from the lessons and lectures prepared by him as a Professor of Law for the past 18 years; as a Bar Review and MCLE lecturer; and as a member of the UP Law Center Committee on the Suggested Answers to the Bar Examinations in Commercial Law.