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Handbook on Pleadings: Basic Rules and Forms

Author: Rufino Javier


Writing judicial pleadings can sometimes be extremely intricate. The controversial legal issues involved in a case and the numerous rules and voluminous jurisprudence applicable in a given set of facts, immensely contribute to the predicament. In this volume, citations of basic relevant provisions of the Rules of Court, up-to-date court rulings and various practice forms are modestly presented as convenient and useful reference.

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Writing judicial pleadings can sometimes be extremely intricate. The controversial legal issues involved in a case and the numerous rules and voluminous jurisprudence applicable in a given set of facts, immensely contribute to the predicament. In this volume, citations of basic relevant provisions of the Rules of Court, up-to-date court rulings and various practice forms are modestly presented as convenient and useful reference.

Of course, one should not completely rely and blindly depend on the forms printed here. Some may not be suitable in a particular case as the style of presenting a cause may vary. Indeed, they should not be adopted by simply filling the blanks for they are merely intended as paradigm. It is the author’s hope that the materials in this work could be of value not only to law students and barangay officials but also to law practitioners as well.