Prof. Aristotle Valera’s latest work, “Decrypting Digital Assets: Commentaries and Case Law on the Nature and Legal Status of Digital Assets,” proves to be a valuable addition in building up one’s arsenal of both theoretical and practical knowledge on this emerging field.
Drawing on his extensive experience as a tech lawyer and academician, Prof. Valera guides us through a journey that revisits the legal as well as philosophical foundations of property, introduces the concept of digital assets, traces their history and development, dissects their various classification through relevant jurisprudence, lays down the legal and ethical implications of considering digital assets as property in Philippine context, presents the potential risks and threats associated with them, and explores new legal frontiers at the intersection of technology and law. Recognizing the scarcity of local sources, he distills insights from decisions in foreign jurisdictions like the US, UK, Singapore, and China, where courts have resolved digital assets cases for the first time.