• Violence Against Women and their Children

    This book transcends the boundaries of a traditional legal text. It is a compass for practitioners navigating the intricate legal framework surrounding the law on Anti-Violence against Women and their Children. Through careful analysis and insightful commentary, Professor Tagupa demystifies the nuances of legislation, offering clarity to those who seek to enforce and uphold the rights of women and children.

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  • Treatise on Sexual Harassment

    This book will thus provide the stakeholders information about the concept of sexual harassment under Republic Act No. 7877 and Republic Act No. 11313, the three-fold liabilities of the offender, and the duties and obligations of the different players tasked to do something to end sexual harassment.

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  • Post-Conviction Relief: Probation

    The realization that there is no publication that covers all the relevant legal anchors on probation compelled the author to put in writing what she had gathered and learned in the course of her work as a member of the judiciary.

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  • Defining Legal Insanity

    One of the causes which will overthrow the presumption of voluntariness and of intelligence of a person who stands charged with a crime is insanity. Nonetheless, such defense is solely hinged on the Revised Penal Code that neither describes nor explains the concept.

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  • Child in Conflict with the Law

    The Book Child in Conflict of Law by Judge May Hazel M. Tagupa is perhaps among the very few on the subject on juvenile justice.

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  • Avenues for Settlement in Labor Arbitration

    This book therefore seeks to introduce the learners, and practitioners, of law on these procedures as applied to labor arbitration in the various agencies of the Department of Labor and Employment. With these provisions, perhaps, inadvertent miscarriage of labor justice may be prevented, and a vast majority of the wage earners can taste the sweet nectar of their hard work in
    so short a time.

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  • Special Proceedings (Book 2)

    A Compilation of the latest Special Laws and Supreme Court Circulars subsumed under Special Proceedings, with Jurisprudence, Administrative Orders, Implementing Rules and Regulations, as well as excerpts from published materials and Lectures of the Author

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  • Special Proceedings (Book 1)

    A Compilation of new and amending Republic Acts, Recent Supreme Court Circulars and Jurisprudence, Administrative Orders, Rules and Regulations, and excerpts from published materials and Lectures of the Author

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  • The Art of Presentation of Evidence (With the Corresponding Objections)

    Additional illustrations on the presentation of evidence on direct and cross examination, the introduction of documentary and object evidence, as well as the formal offer thereof, are also integrated in this revised edition.

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  • The Rules of Court in a Nutshell

    In the Preface of the 1st Edition, it was stated: “It is true that law is one versatile and dynamic of all branches of knowledge. As these rules were modified, amended, supplemented and / or revised through the years, so were these presentations. The most recent are the 2019 Rules on Civil Procedure and the 2019 Revised Rules on Evidence, both which took effect on 01 May 2020.”

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  • Labor Laws

    In the years that I was given the privilege of teaching Labor Laws in different law schools, certain topics are combined into one subject. Such are Agri-Soc Laws (Agrarian Labor Laws in relation to Social Legislation); Labor Standards combined with Social Legislation; Labor Relations which include Termination Of The Employer – Employee Relationship. The following therefore is a compendium of these subject matters in relation to pertinent labor laws.

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  • Obligations and Contracts

    An obligation is a juridical relation whereby a person (called the creditor) may demand from another (called the debtor) the observance of a determinative conduct (the giving, doing or not doing), and in case of breach, may demand satisfaction from the assets of the latter.

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  • Know Your Rules: Special Civil Actions

    This book is the first part of my Know Your Rules series, which shall cover the entire Rules of Court and other procedural laws.

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  • Civil Law is a Journey: The Guide

    The question-and-answer format which the authors adopted, combined with a succint discussion of the theory behind the law, as supported by jurisprudence and comparative charts, will certainly help both lawyers and lawyers to be to understand the intricacies of Civil Law.

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  • Wills and Succession

    This book hopes to address this need. This book is the culmination of more than a quarter of a century’s worth of classroom discussion, and is designed to complement classroom instruction. Significant cases are cited (albeit edited to exclude extraneous matters) to illustrate the application of the law, and commented on, whenever there is a reason to disagree with the conclusions reached by the court.

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  • The Negotiable Instruments Law, Notes and Cases

    The law merchant was codified in England in 1882 as the Bills of Exchange Act. In the United States, there was pressure to codify a similar set of laws in order to eliminate the conflicting provisions among the rules adopted by the different states. The efforts were successful. A parallel set of laws was codified in the United States as the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law.

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  • Obligations and Contracts (Volume 2)

    An obligation is a legal relationship between two or more persons where one of them, called the creditor or obligee, may demand of the other, called the debtor or obligor, the fulfillment of a prestation.

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  • Obligations and Contracts (Volume 1)

    An obligation is a legal relationship between two or more persons where one of them, called the creditor or obligee, may demand of the other, called the debtor or obligor, the fulfillment of a prestation.

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  • Q&A Bar Primer on the Anti-Money Laundering Act

    The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering, described lawyers as potential “gatekeepers” to money laundering and terrorist financing efforts, due to the different services they can offer to their clients. In the FATF Report on Money Laundering Typologies 2000-2001, the FATF illustrated how lawyers become susceptible to complex money laundering schemes due to their ability to easily switch between “advising on financial and fiscal matters, establishing trusts and corporate entities and completing property and other financial transactions, such as investments.”

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  • Q&A Bar Primer on Banking Laws

    The coverage of banking laws in the bar examinations during the last thirty (30) years have been few and far in between. Revisiting the pre-pandemic syllabus on banking laws, the topics were broad and extensive for the reviewees to study and absorb all pertinent laws and provisions on banking.

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  • The Philippine Anti-Money Laundering Act Annotated

    This book provides a comprehensive and up to date legal publication on the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) of the Philippines.

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  • Notes and Cases on Philippine Government Procurement Law

    This book provides recent opinions from the Government Procurement Policy Board, arranged according to principles/ provisions, supplemented by relevant Supreme Court decisions. The Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 are cited right after the relevant section of the law to give the reader an overview on how such section is expounded and implemented.

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  • Pointers in Banking Laws and the Anti-Money Laundering Act

    This book is arranged by the different laws covering Banking Laws, including the AMLA. Each chapter provides a basic discussion of the major concepts and its rationale, and integrates the relevant laws associated to the particular concept.

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  • Guidebook in the Investigation & Resolution of Land Claims & Conflicts & Reversion Cases

    This Revised Guidebook provides a chronological stage-by-stage proceedings from the filing to execution of decision in claims and conflicts cases involving unpatented/unregistered lands; and proceedings leading to the filing of reversion case against patented/registered lands. It also includes the disposition of Affidavit of Precautionary Notice.

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  • Prosecuting Customs Law Offenders

    The topics of this book are focused on the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases arising from violations of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act and the Anti-Agricultural Smuggling Act. I do hope that this book will help fight against smuggling activities toward strengthening our Republic.

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  • The History of Local Governments in the Philippines

    This second edition therefore updates the first edition of 2004.

    I hope this book will help our local government officials know the history of local governments in our country and the development towards greater local autonomy.

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  • The Law on Katarungang Pambarangay

    The present revision of this book is precisely intended to comply with the foregoing mandates. If the objectives of the Katarungang Pambarangay of encouraging the amicable settlement of disputes at the barangay level, and ultimately the declogging of court dockets, are to be achieved, the pursuit of that program should be relentless. So also should the writers on the subject be tenacious in keeping the advocates of barangay conciliation abreast with the latest developments on the subject.

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  • Doctrines and Rulings on the Constitution

    This exhaustive book of essential decisions will enable the readers to understand the real meaning of the constitutional provisions. It is through the reasoning of the Court that one will be able to grapple and grasp the Framers’ motive and intent in crafting such provisions.

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  • Quizzer and Reviewer on Corporation Code, Securities Regulation Code and Related Laws

    New jurisprudence in Corporation Law and related legislation makes the revision of the 2011 edition of this book a necessity. While teaching Corporation Law or conducting Bar Review lectures in Commercial Law, the author had to incessantly read new cases and materials and found out that many changes in jurisprudence occurred since the last edition of this book.

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  • Quizzer and Reviewer on Insurance Code and Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act [Fria] of 2010

    This book as any other book I wrote merely opens the box of ideas of the reader and brings forth vast knowledge that only the reader could unlock with the aid of this book or any book I have written.

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  • Quizzer and Reviewer on Transportation Laws and Public Service Act

    Almost ten years elapsed since the previous edition of this book was printed. It is about time that revision is made to update this book. A law book needs constant revision as new principles of law emanate from old provisions.

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  • Quizzer and Reviewer on Negotiable Instruments Law and Related Laws

    Since the first edition of this book was published in 2001 numerous decisions had been promulgated by the Supreme Court that revision thereof became a necessity.

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