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The Settlement of Disputes: How to Maximize Lawsuit Alternatives

Author: Jim V. Lopez


The entry of artificial intelligence in the area of dispute resolution has made its study even more interesting. No one should ever stop learning. There is an abundance of lawsuit alternatives (or litigation substitutes) that await those who are willing to continue their ongoing personal, familial and business relationships. It is the purpose of this book to guide the reader around the murky and often treacherous, waters of our judicial system. Rational and pragmatic approaches in dispute resolution are evaluated and synthesized to help litigants avoid the expense, misery, and madness in coursing a lawsuit through the public court system. This book incorporates various useful guidelines and instructions for law students, lawyers, corporate conflict managers, and litigants in coping with “the crisis of judicial overload.”


The entry of artificial intelligence in the area of dispute resolution has made its study even more interesting. No one should ever stop learning. There is an abundance of lawsuit alternatives (or litigation substitutes) that await those who are willing to continue their ongoing personal, familial and business relationships. It is the purpose of this book to guide the reader around the murky and often treacherous, waters of our judicial system. Rational and pragmatic approaches in dispute resolution are evaluated and synthesized to help litigants avoid the expense, misery, and madness in coursing a lawsuit through the public court system. This book incorporates various useful guidelines and instructions for law students, lawyers, corporate conflict managers, and litigants in coping with “the crisis of judicial overload.”

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Page length

608 pages
