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Constitutional Law



This edition constitutes the writer’s continuing fulfillment of his promise made to the author — a pledge made by a son to his father — to keep this, his book, refreshed and relevant.

There has been a deliberate discarding of paragraphs and pages, done principally as an effort toward brevity and relevance. But there is as well found in this volume many new sentences on the many new cases and laws that have been pronounced or promulgated since the last publication of this book. They have been written here also for relevance.


This edition constitutes the writer’s continuing fulfillment of his promise made to the author — a pledge made by a son to his father — to keep this, his book, refreshed and relevant.

There has been a deliberate discarding of paragraphs and pages, done principally as an effort toward brevity and relevance. But there is as well found in this volume many new sentences on the many new cases and laws that have been pronounced or promulgated since the last publication of this book. They have been written here also for relevance.

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Page length

1230 pages
