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Philippine Government and the Constitution



This work constitutes as an abridged follow-up to my books on Constitutional Law, in order to address its demand for senior high school and collegiate textbooks on the Philippine Government and the Constitution.


This work constitutes as an abridged follow-up to my books on Constitutional Law, in order to address its demand for senior high school and collegiate textbooks on the Philippine Government and the Constitution. This is particularly intended as a scholarly reference for students taking up political science, public administration and legal management, and other related courses, and as a quick reference and brief overview for the legal practitioner.

As most textbooks would render commentaries upon every provision of the Constitution, I retained the narrative and topical approach similar in my two Constitutional Law Books. This is with the intention that the discussion is not limited to the theoretical framework and mere memorization of constitutional provisions by the undergraduate student, but rather to further understand and appreciate the meaning and importance of the Constitution.