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Diabetic Foot



MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS must give complete guidance to their patients (with patients families) in their clinical reports and or whatever they give in written forms or orally. These include explanation on the disease, how it developed, and the multi-factorial approach in the development of DIABETIC FOOT. They must give their application of diagnostic and medical or therapeutic procedures in a clear and transparent manner. This will advocate for a less expensive but sure clinical approach on how to prevent and treat these diseases early in the stages of infection.

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MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS must give complete guidance to their patients (with patients families) in their clinical reports and or whatever they give in written forms or orally. These include explanation on the disease, how it developed, and the multi-factorial approach in the development of DIABETIC FOOT. They must give their application of diagnostic and medical or therapeutic procedures in a clear and transparent manner. This will advocate for a less expensive but sure clinical approach on how to prevent and treat these diseases early in the stages of infection.

Additional information

Weight 0.38 kg
Dimensions 15 × 153 × 228 cm




Page length

272 pages
