Legal Theory And Legal Reasoning (Great Impact On Your Case)
Legal aspects and issues relevant to knowledge of law as well as legal practice are now complicated. Sometimes these new laws contradict and make complex simple cases.
Mining Act of the Philippines
Mining Act of the Philippines
by: Dr. (Atty.) Jose C. Montemayor
The Politics of Petroleum Prices
Energy diplomacy is a form of diplomacy, and a subfield of international relations. It is closely related to its principal, foreign policy, and to overall national security, specifically energy security. Energy diplomacy began in the first half of the twentieth century and emerged as a term during the second oil crisis as a means of describing OPEC’s actions. It has since mainly focused on the securitization of energy supplies, primarily fossil fuels, but also nuclear energy and increasingly sustainable energy, on a country or bloc basis.
Intellectual Property
IN THE STUDY OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW IN THE PHILIPPINES, complicated legal procedures must be simplified but thorough, understandable though complex to solve legal problems especially when laws of different jurisdictions collide.
Heart Attack
IN THE STUDY OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES INCLUDING HEART ATTACK (MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION), complicated diagnostic and therapeutic approach makes it more difficult for doctors, patients and their families to alleviate these medical problems. These must be simplified and understandable so that prevention and treatment will be clear and thus, hasten the healing process of HEART ATTACK.
General Principles of Evidence
Legal aspects and issues relevant to EVIDENTIARY LAW as well as IN legal practice are now complicated, complex and daunting.. Sometimes these new laws contradict and make complex simple cases in the application to evidence especially in the application of existing legal cases.
Critical Areas for the Bar: Corporation Law
This new REVIEW BOOK ON CORPORATION LAW, is a new addition to the armamentarium of legal reviewers to equip EXAMINEES and be ready for every legal questions or challenge.
Critical Areas for the Bar: Criminal Law
This new REVIEW BOOK ON CRIMINAL LAW, is a new addition to the armamentarium of legal reviewers to equip EXAMINEES and be ready for every legal questions or challenge.
Principles and Notes of Taxation Law (A Reviewer)
Principles and Notes of Taxation Law (A Reviewer)
Sexual Crimes
IN THE STUDY OF CRIMINAL LAW CONCERNING SEXUAL ABUSES IN THE PHILIPPINES, complicated legal procedures must be simplified but thorough, understandable though complex to solve sexual crimes especially committed against women.
Understanding Bail and Penalties
“Understanding Bail and Penalties” is the fourth book co-authored by Prosecutors Ramon B. Mendoza and Eva Maria M. Biado in their earnest endeavor to share their professional insights and experiences as members of the Office of the City Prosecutor of Caloocan City.
Understanding Trial Techniques
Understanding Trial Techniques
by Ramon B. Mendoza and Eva Maria M. Biado
Understanding Trial Objections in Criminal Cases
Understanding Trial Objections in Criminal Cases
by: Ramon B. Mendoza and Eva Maria M. Biado
The Ocean Space or the Maritime Area of the Philippines
This paper is intended to be a “primer”, not a treatise, to inform on the fundamentals of the maritime area subject to the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the Philippines. For immediate and convenient reference, the pertinent provisions of the Law of the Sea Convention, the Philippine Constitution, and the relevant statutes, are quoted. Information largely drawn from the participation of the author in the meetings of both the Seabed Committee and the Third Conference on the Law of the Sea, appear in footnotes.
The Cautious Legal Writer
Cautious Legal Writer is the first book co-authored by the father and daughter tandem, Prosecutor Ramon B. Mendoza and Nadine Kyla B. Mendoza. This book is a useful guide for lawyers, law students, and those who intend to enhance their English grammar skills. It provides the most common errors in English in alphabetical order with explanations and suggestions on how to correct them.
Revised Rules on Evidence (Commentaries, Rules, and Cases)
Understanding the dynamic subject of evidence may be a daunting task to law students and law practitioners alike. Hence, I am delighted to read The Revised Rules on Evidence (Commentaries, Rules and Cases), which is the fourth book crafted by the father and daughter tandem. This book treats the entire subject of the evidence as revised, pursuant to A.M. No. 19-08-05-SC.
Quick and Easy Reviewer in Special Penal Laws (Volume III)
Now that this reviewer has already served its initial pur-pose, the authors would like to share it to the bar examinees, law students, law practitioners, and all those who have interest in Special Penal Laws.
Quick and Easy Reviewer in Special Penal Laws (Volume II)
This volume is a sequel to the first book of the same title by the authors. Just like the first volume, the paramount purpose in coming out with this volume is to help the bar candidates in their review of the different special penal laws.
Quick and Easy Reviewer in Special Penal Laws (Volume I)
This reviewer focuses only on the basic principles and MOST IMPORTANT topics, deliberately excluding those which the authors believe to be non-essential. The authors would like to share this book to the bar examinees, law students, law practitioners, and all those who have interest in Special Penal Laws. It it the authors fervent hope that this reviewer will help all law students and bar examinees accomplish their dreams of becoming members of the bar.
Special Penal Laws & Practical Exercises
Special Penal Laws & Practical Exercises is the fifth book of the authors.This book deals with the special penal laws provided in the Supreme Court Syllabus for the 2022 Bar Examinations in Criminal Law.
Labor Laws in the Philippines: A Logical and Creative Restatement
Labor Law and its practice in the Philippines have been afforded desultory attention and sometimes have been derisively referred to as the realm of newly-minted, neophyte members of the Bar, alien territory not trudged by seasoned and veteran practitioners.
Philippine Casualty Insurance Law
The primary purpose of this work is to try to explain and even expand the Casualty Insurance Law in the Code which by the way is only allotted but one Section (Section 176) out of the 448 Sections of the Insurance Code.
Archipelagic Baselines and the Philippine Territory
This book focuses on the changes in the national territory of the country due to the application of the “straight archipelagic baselines” system under UNCLOS. It will likewise evaluate the effects of R.A. 9522 to our territorial integrity and sovereignty, national security and our economic development as a nation. It will analyze if our interest as an archipelagic nation is amply protected by this new baselines law and if we fulfilled our obligation incumbent upon us as a member of the family of nations under the Convention (UNCLOS).
Partnership and Corporation Accounting
Each chapter is introduced by an actual business world story with pertinent learning outcomes. In addition, each chapter is
concluded by the chapter summary and appropriate discussion questions, exercises, and problems. Lastly, detachable quiz format questions are included that can be administered as a quiz. -
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management 2
This humble work is intended as a textbook for senior high school students under the ABM track and for nonaccountants who wish to learn the basic fundamentals of accounting.
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management 1
This humble work is intended as a textbook for senior high school students under the ABM track and for nonaccountants who wish to learn the basic fundamentals of accounting.
School Administration and Supervision
The book has been written in the simplest way the author feels would help the students’ understanding of the subject matter. She also tried to present the subject matters in an order she feels would follow an order of priority in terms of student learning.