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The Art of Presentation of Evidence (With the Corresponding Objections)



Additional illustrations on the presentation of evidence on direct and cross examination, the introduction of documentary and object evidence, as well as the formal offer thereof, are also integrated in this revised edition.


Additional illustrations on the presentation of evidence on direct and cross examination, the introduction of documentary and object evidence, as well as the formal offer thereof, are also integrated in this revised edition.

Evidence of whatever kind dictates the outcome of every case, every litigation. Every lawyer must therefore know by heart, (obviously a misnomer), more accurately stated, he must have a full knowledge and knowhow on these rules, the kinds of evidence, the time when to and not to, the objections thereto, the argumentation or debates as to the
viability or non-viability of each evidence being presented.

It is hoped that this revised presentation of the Rules shall bear fruit in learners of the law landing n the list of the successful BAR Examinees, and in having better prepared practitioners of the profession.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 17 × 158 × 235 cm




Page length

258 pages
