Notes and Cases on 1997 – Rules of Civil Procedure
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127)
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure (Rules 110-127)
by: Atty. Kevin Igmidio Eclevia Lat and Dr. Igmidio C. Lat
The Judicial Affidavit Rule
The Judicial Affidavit Rule (2023)
by: Dr. Igmidio C. Lat and Atty. Kevin Igmidio Eclevia Lat
Persons & Family Relations
This book was inspired by the desire of the author to come up with an up-to-date resource material for students/learners in the subject: Persons and Family Relations.
The Laws and Jurisprudence on Unions, Collective Bargaining, ULP and Strikes in the Philippines
The Laws and Jurisprudence on Unions, Collective Bargaining, ULP and Strikes in the Philippines
Philippine HR Forms
Communication is the most essential means to lead people and manage organizations. Written communication is second only to person-to-person exchange of information, data and knowledge.
Philippine Recruitment, Wages, Benefits and ECC Compensation Compendium
Philippine Recruitment, Wages, Benefits and ECC Compensation Compendium
How to Terminate Employment Legally with Honor and Dignity
For Businessmen, Company owners, HR Managers, and Line Managers who are losing a lot of money due to employees’ serious misconduct, insubordination, fraud, breach of trust and crimes & offenses involving drugs, alcohol, illicit sex and immoral relationships in the workplace.
How to File and Handle Cases of Illegal Dismissal with Honor and Dignity
For victims of employers’ abuses of management prerogatives of hiring and firing, constructive dismissals, termination without just or authorized cause or without due process. This book is a weapon of self-defense against unfair labor practices resulting to illegal dismissals.
88 Hours before the Bar Exams
The Ultimate Weapon before going to war, the most effective instrument for conquering Bar Questions
The 8 Secrets for Success in Leading and Managing People Through (Book Two)
The 8 Secrets for Success in Leading and Managing People Through Book Two
The 8 Secrets for Success in Leading and Managing People Through (Book One)
The 8 Secrets for Success in Leading and Managing People Through Book One
The Ultimate Compendium of Labor Laws and Cases
The Ultimate Compendium of Labor Laws and Cases (2020)
The Ultimate Philippine Labor Relations Compendium (Volume 2)
This book is largely an analysis and criticque of the present Labor Relations legal framework, which is heavily copied from the US model of compulsory arbitration, and is essentially confrontational, adversarial, legalistic and dilatory. The Philippine is an Asian country and the philosophies, principles and procedures of US labor relations laws are alien to the culture of Asian people.
The Ultimate Philippine Labor Relations Compendium (Volume 1)
This book is largely an analysis and critique of the present Labor Relations legal framework, which is heavily copied from the US model of compulsory arbitration, and is essentially confrontational, adversarial, legalistic and dilatory. The Philippines is an Asian country and the philosophies, principles and procedures of US labor relations laws are alien to the culture of Asian people.
The Ultimate Compendium in Legal and Judicial Ethics
Human society demands from all lawyers very high ethical standards. Both the Integrated Bar and the Supreme Court impose very stringent sanctions on unethical behavior, even in their personal and family life. The life of a lawyer is expected by others to be over and above the standards of the average members of the human community.
The Ultimate Labor Law Review Compendium for Bar Excellence
Considering that all Bar Examinees have limited time, and have limited attention span, and there are a myriad of laws and decisions to read, it is important, nay necessary that they must be imbued with enough common sense to focus on the essential few, which are distilled and chosen by men of vast experience with the gift of discernment and wisdom.
Business Organizations (Partnerships & Corporations)
Business Organizations (Partnerships & Corporations)
Property: Pointers and Cases
It is said that Property is challenging or simply complicated. This led me to compile my notes, using as template the 2020 Bar syllabus, in an attempt to make a convenient resource material or alternative handbook to better appreciate Property. This led me to compile my notes, using as template the 2020 Bar syllabus, in an attempt to make a convenient resource material or alternative handbook to better appreciate Property.
Reviewer in Procedure and Evidence Gov. Phil. Shari’a Courts
The first edition of this book was entitled “Reviewer in Islamic Procedure and Evidence.” My decision to name the work as such was due to the fact that one of the tests in the Philippine Shari’a bar is called “Islamic Procedure and Evidence.”
Special Rules of Procedure Governing Philippine Shari’a Courts Annotated
The amendments of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure by the Supreme Court of the Philippines effective May 1, 2020 and the passage of Republic Act No. 11054 otherwise known as the Bangsamoro Organic Law call for the revision of this humble work. There were substantial changes in the rules of pleading and in the jurisdiction of the Shari’a courts brought about such issuances. In addition, I have expanded the annotations of the Special Rules to minimize the reader’s effort in referring back to the provisions of the Rules of Court.
Rules of Civil Procedure Annotated
The promulgation by the Supreme Court of A.M. No. 19‐10‐20‐SC on October 15, 2019, amending Rules 6 to 35 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, which becomes effective on May 1, 2020, necessitates the updating and revision of this work. In so doing, new legislations and Supreme Court circulars affecting it were also taken into consideration. The citations are enriched with more than a thousand cases from the last two decades to aid the reader for further research and to ensure that relevant rules and procedural principles cited are still good.
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure Annotated
This edition is revised, improved, and updated. In updating this edition, the pertinent provisions of A.M. No. 21-06-08-SC, June 29, 2021 (Rules on the Use of Body-Worn Cameras in the Execution of Warrants), A.M. No. 03-03-03-SC, Nov. 19, 2021 (Expansion of Jurisdiction of Special Commercial Courts), A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC, March 1, 2022 otherwise known as Rules on Expedited Procedures in the First Level Courts (REPFLC), A.M. No. 10-3-10-SC (2020 Revised Rules of Procedure for Intellectual Property Rights) and Department Circular No. 020 (Policy on Pro-Active Involvement of Prosecutors in Case Build-Up) as well as recent congressional legislations and other relevant issuances and decisions of the Supreme Court were taken into consideration. The citations are enriched to aid the reader in his or her further research.