The General Banking Law Annotated
This humble work is somewhat an expansion of an earlier work I did entitled: “The General Banking Law of 2000” which was annotated with notes principally based on the deliberations of the Philippine Senate.
State Universities and Colleges: The Governing Board Powers, Procedure & Pronouncements
This work therefore relies heavily on two important legal documents — that of Republic Act No. 8292 and its implementing rules and regulations.
The Revised Corporation Code Annotated
Historically, the Corporation Code of the Philippines was enacted in 1980, or 35 years ago. According to Senator Drilon during his sponsorship speech — “If we are to keep up with the rest of the financial world, we need to codify the best international corporate practices and address the archaic bottlenecks in the areas of starting a business, and protecting minority investors.” Senator Drilon goes on to state the country must likewise provide an environment conducive not just to big businesses, but make the corporate vehicle an appealing prospect for startups and entrepreneurs.
Education Law Compendium
The Education Law Compendium is envisioned to be the repository of education-related legal concepts, theories, and applicable terms. Beyond being just a dictionary, the Compendium serves as a handy reference tool not only to educators and learners, but to school administrators, academicians and every stakeholder in the field of Philippine education.
Philippine Laws on Education
This humble work serves to provide the reader with codal copies of most of the laws on education in the Philippines. Following the original thrust and application adopted with the Compendium — this Compilation is an initial attempt to create a repository of education-related laws for use of stakeholders in educational reform and development — it is and will continue to be a work in progress.
Legal Research (Third Edition)
This book provides the student of law a handy reference material and guide in his research work. It reinforces the original thrust of the book in discussing the concepts, principles and applications of legal research through a practical approach and proceeding to introduce the student to the practical context of legal research. This can help the reader learn and practice basic concepts reflective of the author’s representation’s techniques and methods in conducting legal research.
Outline in Remedial Law Volume I: Civil Procedure
The 2019 Proposed Amendments to the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure shall govern all cases filed after their effectivity on 1 May 2020 and also all pending proceedings, except to the extent that in the opinion of the court, their application would not be feasible or would work injustice, in which case the procedure under which the cases were filed shall govern. See A.M. No. 19-10-20-SC on Rule 144 — Effectiveness.
Outline in Remedial Law Volume II: Special Proceedings
We believe that in order to attain a proper appreciation of procedural law — we need to familiarize ourselves with the core concepts of procedural law, the dynamics involved and more importantly — the reason and principle behind each procedure laid out under the Rules. This way, we eliminate our unfounded dependence on rote memorization and utilize instead our intellectual faculties to learn, to understand – even to question and critique – each and every provision that forms part of that intricate and interwoven phenomenon we call remedial law.
Outline in Remedial Law Volume III: Criminal Procedure
His new Book on Criminal Procedure has again shown what a truly gifted writer can do in the treatment of a subject matter which every legal practitioner should know by heart. Not every writer on the subject is as qualified as he is on the subject. He was part of the Supreme Court Committee that crafted the 2000 Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure and continued to put to practice the rules as a practicing lawyer.
Consumer Protection
The topic on consumerism and retail trade in general is rife for discussion specially during this challenging time where normal modalities of sales, and transactions are taking on new shape and form — from the conventional face to face sale to the ever growing popularity of online sales.
Appellate Advocacy: Appeal, Petition for Review and Appeal by Certiorari
The appellate process in remedial law is, more often than not, glossed upon in law school. We often place more emphasis on the proceedings before the Regional Trial Courts considering that most, if not all, new lawyers at the start of their practice and even through the twilight of their career, would focus on the daily grind before regional trial courts.
Problem Areas in Legal Ethics
Problem Areas in Legal Ethics presents a novel take in approaching Legal Ethics. Not only does it cover essential notions and concepts on the practice of law, it also presents emerging issues in the legal field, such as cyber advertising and practice and artificial intelligence.
Problem Areas in Positive Identification and Alibi & the Emerging Role of Forensic Science
The book tackles a complex subject matter, it systematically expounds on the provisions of the Rules that prove useful for students and practitioners alike. As it breaks the dichotomy between theory and practice, this work is not just an academic text for scholars, but also a practical guide that will demonstrate how evidentiary principles apply and operate in the courtroom.
Ratio Legis: Election Law
The principal purpose of the Ratio Legis is to reinforce the learning process by providing the student with syllabi notes from choice and selected jurisprudence with the end in view of providing context as well as illustrate the various legal concepts, principles and more importantly — the interpretation and application made by the High Court to various issues raised before It throughout our nation’s socio-political history.
Ratio Legis: Banking Laws
The principal purpose of the Ratio Legis is to reinforce the learning process by providing the student with syllabi notes from choice and selected jurisprudence with the end in view of providing context as well as illustrate the various legal concepts, principles and more importantly — the interpretation and application made by the High Court to various issues raised before It throughout our nation’s economic and banking history.
Ratio Legis: Persons & Family Relations
The principal purpose of the Ratio Legis is to reinforce the learning process by providing the student with syllabi notes from choice and selected jurisprudence with the end in view of providing context as well as illustrate the various legal concepts, principles and more importantly — the interpretation and application made by the High Court to various issues raised before It touching on our core values on Family and its related issues and concepts.
Ratio Legis: Statutory Construction
The principal purpose of the Ratio Legis is to reinforce the learning process by providing the student with syllabi notes from choice and selected jurisprudence with the end in view of providing context as well as illustrate the various legal concepts, principles and more importantly — the interpretation and application made by the High Court to various issues raised before It throughout our nation’s socio-economic and political history.
Ratio Legis: Legislative Inquiries
The principal purpose of the Ratio Legis is to reinforce the learning process by providing the student with syllabi notes from choice and selected jurisprudence with the end in view of providing context as well as illustrate the various legal concepts, principles and more importantly — the interpretation and application made by the High Court to various issues raised before It throughout our nation’s socio-political history.
Ratio Legis: Academic Freedom
The principal purpose of the Ratio Legis is to reinforce the learning process by providing the student with syllabi notes from choice and selected jurisprudence with the end in view of providing context as well as illustrate the various legal concepts, principles and more importantly — the interpretation and application made by the High Court to various issues raised before It throughout our nation’s socio-political history.
Ratio Legis: Development In Family Law
The principal purpose of the Ratio Legis is to reinforce the learning process by providing the student with syllabi notes from choice and selected jurisprudence with the end in view of providing context as well as illustrate the various legal concepts, principles and more importantly — the interpretation and application made by the High Court to various issues raised before It throughout our nation’s socio-political history.
Introduction to Philippine Legislation
It is the author’s humble opinion that there is a need to allocate more time, more attention, and more appreciation to legislation (its intricacies, constitutional bearings, and relationship with the laws it produces) to engender a deep understanding of how laws work, how they are to be applied. This is an unassuming reference material for use in the study of Philippine legislation; it humbly provides the student of law and anyone interested in the intricacies of our legislative process with the requisite working knowledge.
Handbook on Local Legislation
This work seeks to present selected provisions of the Local Government Code related to local legislation to serve as a quick reference guide and material for members of the sangguniang barangay, the sangguniang lungsod, the sangguniang bayan and the sangguniang panlalawigan — including other stakeholders that have an interest and participation in nation building and development.
The Philippine Constitution
This humble work seeks to present the 1987 Philippine Constitution in a sort of outline form. Noticeable throughout this modest manuscript is the presentation of the salient provisions of the fundamental law and highlighted, when possible, with pertinent jurisprudence.
The Philosophy of Law
This humble work makes a very conscious effort in presenting and discussing philosophical concepts through their manifestation in the more tangible legal and political systems that we are more familiar with. Thus, instead of the usual exposition of heretofore nebulous philosophical concepts which was the usual fare in philosophical discussions, the adopted approach in this humble endeavor is to reduce said discussion as to how they influence our legal paradigm as we know them today — through the use of established jurisprudence rich in philosophical discussion shared by our esteemed jurists. In short, this work approaches the unknown — through ideas, systems and perceptions that are familiar to us — with the end in view of grasping and appreciating the dynamism between legal philosophy — its concepts, principles and schools of thought, with the development of our system of laws.
Obligations and Contracts (Third Edition)
With the continuing support and encouraging reception of students, colleagues and readers alike, it is with the authors’ original approach, that this work presents the provisions of the law on obligations and contracts under the Civil Code in the simplest way possible for easy understanding and comprehension. The nature, meaning and application of the provisions using established legal concepts, and whenever appropriate — applicable jurisprudence, are discussed in this book. It also indicates recommended readings at the end of each Chapter with the end in view of assisting the learning process leading the student of law to discover the import of the law on his own terms — thus, providing the learning reinforcement needed to understand the law.
Statutory Constructions (Third Edition)
On its Third Edition — this humble work stays true to its humble beginnings and original purpose — providing references on the principles and concepts of statutory construction, highlighting when appropriate, through the use of specially selected cases.
Inquiries in Aid of Legislation
Be that as it may, inquiries in aid of legislation is a legitimate aspect of the legislative function of Congress — be it exercised by either chambers.
Introduction To Law (Third Edition)
This book is envisioned as an introductory guide — a sort of compass with the end in view to help new students take those steps as you traverse the intricate and wonderful world of legal studies. This work is designed to introduce not only incoming students of law but anyone interested to acquire a working knowledge of our country’s statutory regime. This humble work also includes a Student’s Guide, found in this section which will provide suggestions and tips on how to use the SCRA and other resource materials as well as how to digest assigned cases properly.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
This book include a chapter on ADR mechanisms in the judicial front, namely: the Court-Annexed Mediation (CAM), Judicial Dispute Resolution (JDR), Judicial Dispute Resolution on Appeal (JDRA), and Appellate Court Mediation (ACM), to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of ADR processes in and out of the court trial system and the manner that they complement each other.
Post Conviction Remedies after Finality of Judgment
Judge Dionis P. Jacobe wrote a dissertation entitled “Post-Conviction Remedies after Finality of Judgement” for the degree Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD) at the Graduate School of Law of San Beda University. His panel of examiners lauded the dissertation as a salutary proposal to remedy an existing lacuna in the law.
Compendium on Customs Disposal Processes
The Compendium on Customs Disposal Processes is a comprehensive reference designed for individuals seeking a thorough understanding of the relevant provisions of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP), as amended, Customs Administrative Orders (CAOs), Customs Memorandum Orders (CMOs), and related laws, rules, and regulations. This reference material is essential for those working in public service, as well as stakeholders, professionals, and students seeking to enhance their expertise in the field of Customs Disposal Processes.
Dispute Resolution and Crisis Management in the 21st Century
The 21st century has presented us with unprecedented global challenges and opportunities. As our society becomes increasingly interconnected and complex with the fastpaced technology, the need for effective dispute resolution and crisis management has never been more vital. This book provides its readers a ready reference material into the critical issues, exploring the dynamic landscape of conflict, crises, and their resolution in the modern times both in legal and law enforcement perspectives.