Philippine Indigenous Communities
This book is dedicated to explore the vibrant cultures and enduring legacy of the Philippinesʹ indigenous communities. The Philippine archipelago, beyond its breathtaking landscapes and bustling cities, is a tapestry woven with the threads of unique languages, traditions, and beliefs. These communities form the very foundation of the Philippinesʹ rich cultural heritage. Far beyond beauty, this heritage is a testament to the resilience of the Indigenous Peoples (IP). They have been grappling for centuries to thrive and affirm their rights.
Organization and Management Theories and Behavior
The book ʺOrganization and Management Theories and Behaviorʺ offers an insight into the fundamental concepts behind management theories and their applicability in real life. The subject matter spans from the very latest concepts of leadership and organizational behavior to more traditional concepts of management. Examples and case studies used to supplement gives readers an in‐depth understanding of the application of each theory in diverse organizational settings.
Ethics are at the core of apprehension and behavior in every sphere of life. While understanding these ethics is central, it is more so in a multicultural country like the Philippines. This module introduces several ethical theories and points of view to give a comprehensive insight into ethics. It further excavates the traditional cultural norms and showers the learners with academic and real-world views.
The Labor Code of the Philippines (College Edition)
The Labor Code of the Philippines (College Edition)
The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines (College Edition)
The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines (College Edition)
The Law of Public Officers
THE LAW OF PUBLIC OFFICERS, as a field of public law, presents many interesting, and a few complicated, precepts – on the qualifications of public functionaries, the methods for their appointment or election, their performance of their broad duties and limited powers, the period for their exercise of their authority, and the termination of their officerships.
This work, written more than six years after its last edition, covers many significant new pronouncements of the Supreme Court on the subject, with a few of them providing for the discarding of what were heretofore reasonably considered as fixed concepts.
Correctional Administration Handbook & Reviewer
Welcome to the world of Correctional Administration Reviewer, a comprehensive and indispensable resource tailored for individuals preparing for the Criminologists Licensure Exam, students of criminology, esteemed deans, professors, and diligent jail and prison guards. The realm of correctional administration stands at the intersection of law enforcement, criminal justice, and social work, playing a crucial role in maintaining public safety, fostering rehabilitation, and promoting justice within society.
Introduction to the Philippine Justice System
Ultimately, “Introduction to the Philippine Criminal Justice System” is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Filipino people, who continue to navigate the challenges of crime and justice with unwavering determination and a commitment to upholding the rule of law. I hope this book will serve as a valuable resource for all seeking to explore, understand, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of the Philippine criminal justice system.
Effective Criminal Defenses
The distinct features of this book could keep a criminal lawyer up to date with legal defenses, major Supreme Court decisions, and most importantly the changes in Philippine criminal justice, patterned after international judicial trends. There is orderly administration of justice and respect for the rule of law when criminal cases are resolved expeditiously.
The Condominium Act of the Philippines Annotated With Notes and Cases (R.A. 4726)
Students of real estate management will benefit from this guide’s educational approach, which not only covers the statutory provisions of R.A. 4726 but also offers practical examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts. This will aid in developing a solid foundation in condominium law, which is crucial for future careers in real estate brokerage, appraisal, consultation, management and development.
The Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines Annotated (R.A. 9646)
This book is intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to the Real Estate Service Act, offering readers an in-depth understanding of the law, its provisions, and its implications for real estate practitioners and the general public. It is a resource for aspiring real estate professionals (Real Estate Broker and Appraiser Examinees), seasoned practitioners, legal scholars, and anyone with an interest in the real estate sector.
Guidebook for Subdivision and Condominium Buyers and Real Estate Practitioners
This latest publication primarily aims to guide the buying public as well as the private sellers, sales agents, and property developers about the existing statutes and administrative rules and regulations respecting the legal and technical requirements for the development, registration, licensing, advertising, sale, and estate management of subdivisions, the lots, houses and lots, and open spaces within them, the condominium buildings, and the units and common areas comprised by them.
Compendium of Housing Laws, Rules, and Regulations, Annotated
Embraced in this broad compendium are a dozen of all important and primary statutes as well as a dozen-and-a half rules and regulations on housing that readers, researchers, real estate practitioners, and potential homebuyers will find very handy and convenient to use.
Empowered: Understanding Women’s Rights and the Laws
This book discusses the various domestic and international laws protecting and promoting women’s rights. It also includes the common crimes and legal disputes experienced by women in the Philippines. It will answer misconceptions and frequently asked questions on certain crimes and disputes thus providing a deeper understanding of their rights as a victim. It discusses how to start legal proceedings and how one could protect themselves and their interests from further harm.
Remedial Law Volume 1: The 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
This simple book is a product of the authors’ working knowledge in the field of Remedial Law and is intended to simplify the study of Civil Procedure and other related laws as a supplementary reading materials for the students of law, bar candidates, and bar practitioners. It is highly recommended, that while reading, the reader must take a glance first of the codal provisions of the Rules of Court.
Information Asset Security: Protection of Sensitive Information
Welcome to Information Security Handbook As future professionals in the field of industrial security management and criminology, you are embarking on a critical journey—one that intersects technology, risk management, and legal frameworks. This book is designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to safeguard information assets effectively.
This is a work of fiction, purely a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to names of people, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental. Names of local establishments and some names of certain places have been changed.
Bar Reviewer in Remedial Law (Syllabus-Based) Volume 2
The annual Bar Examination is fast approaching. Every year, Bar Candidates would try to acquire as many books as they want in order to make sure that they would leave no stone unturned. A Legal Luminary, in the person of Dean Salvador N. Moya II, had long prepared this book to ensure that the Outline for the 2024 Bar Questions in Remedial Law would be fully covered and discussed including the important principles and latest jurisprudence on the matter.
The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines (College Edition)
The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines (College Edition)
Annotations and Jurisprudence on Criminal Procedure
Consequently and after writing my recent book on Evidence, I was emboldened to follow this up with Criminal Procedure. As I have been doing litigation since I was admitted to the Bar in 2010, plus the prior years where I worked as paralegal and researcher, I want to reduce some of my knowledge and experience in writing, for me to share my thoughts and views on practice and pleadings for the student of the law and legal practitioners.
Philippine Spirits Mythica Obscura Volumes 1-4
Folkloric spirits, deities, and mythical beings provide a window into years gone by. When viewed through an ethnographic lens, they provide important clues to understanding past culture and its evolution into modern society. In the case of the Philippines, where syncretization with these beliefs through trade, migration, and colonization created a constant cultural inflfluence, these clues become invaluable for discovering the precolonial Filipino identity. The value of this has rarely been realized in the mainstream
Reviewer in Labor Law and Social Legislation
The idea of coming up with a reviewer on labor law and social legislation was prompted by my desire to help 4th year law students and those taking the bar examinations, in their journey towards achieving their goal of passing the examinations, in their journey towards achieving their goal of passing the examinations and having a fulfilling practice or career in labor law.
2020 Supreme Court Reports Annotated, Quick Index-Digest (Part 1 & 2)
Due to the insistent requests and suggestions coming from the subscribers of the Supreme Court Reports Annotated urging us to come out with a yearly supplement to our SCRA Quick Index-Digest, the Central Book Supply Editorial Staff, headed by its Publisher and Executive Editor, Atty. Jose Agaton R. Sibal (†), has finally responded by putting out this advance edition of the SCRA Quick Index-Digest covering all decisions of the Supreme Court in 2020 as reported in SCRA, Volumes 928 to 966. This edition therefore updates the first four volumes of the SCRA Quick Index-Digest.
Legal and Judicial Ethics
The legal profession plays a vital role in shaping and upholding the rule of law in any society. Basic Legal and Judicial Ethics is a 3-unit mandated core course designed to instill ethical values and professional responsibility in law students. Ethical scenarios and case studies are integrated into the curriculum to develop best practices and guidelines for ethical conduct in the legal profession.
A Treatise on the Local Government Law in the Philippines: Notes and Cases
This book aims to equip law students, practitioners, and scholars with the necessary knowledge to navigate and excel in the field of local government law in the Philippines by providing a comprehensive and detailed examination of these topics.
Philippine Administrative Law
This edition tackles what the author constantly refers to as the continuing experiments in this field, as acknowledged and addressed or adjudicated upon by the Supreme Court in the last eight years, and on the basis of recent laws imposed, or inflicted, by the legislature, as enforced, properly or not, by the executives.
Bar Reviewer in Remedial Law (Syllabus-Based) Volume 1
The annual Bar Examination is fast approaching. Every year, Bar Candidates would try to acquire as many books as they want in order to make sure that they would leave no stone unturned. A Legal Luminary, in the person of Dean Salvador N. Moya II, had long prepared this book to ensure that the Outline for the 2024 Bar Questions in Remedial Law would be fully covered and discussed including the important principles and latest jurisprudence on the matter.