Special Commercial Laws
This book is designed not only to deepen students’ grasp of commercial law but also to aid them in confidently approaching the bar examination. Each chapter breaks down challenging concepts into clear, digestible explanations, focusing on the essential points that bar candidates need to master. To further support exam readiness, the book includes practice questions and bar-style review exercises that align with the topics most commonly tested, allowing students to refine their skills and reinforce their understanding.
Bar Essentials in Commercial and Taxation Laws
In 2020, the maiden volume of Bar Essentials in Commercial Law was released. Since then, the Supreme Court has made great strides to upgrade legal education and modernize the admission to the practice of law, consistent with the Court’s Strategic Plan for Judicial Innovations (SPJI). Specifically, the Court shifted the framework in the conduct of bar examinations from the
traditional pen-and-paper method to the digital platform. Another shift is from the original eight subjects to six core subjects, with Commercial Law and Taxation Law being conjoined for their close affinity. Remedial law was fused with legal ethics as they complement each other. -
Commercial Laws in the Philippines with Other Legal Aspects of Business
This book is a definite must-buy for lecturers, students, bar reviewers, law practitioners, and even business-minded people who want a straight-to-the-point read on various commercial laws.
Philippine Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Law
It’s a good thing because the law gives the owner or operator of a motor vehicle the option of either to:-secure an insurance policy or surety bond issued by any insurance company authorized to transact business in the Philippines, or, to make a cash deposit.
Intellectual Property Rights: The Practice
This book written by a well respected Intellectual Property lawyer Atty. Oscar M. Manahan captures the efforts undertaken by Filipino inventors/researchers/innovators, by the government agencies assisting them and by the private legal practitioners who have the passion, dedication and sense of mission to advance the cause of Filipino inventions and to make known to the world the breakthroughs they have made in various sectors of business, science and technology and living in general.
The Copyright Law of the Philippines
Discover the comprehensive guide to copyright law in the Philippines with our book, “The Copyright Law of the Philippines.” This essential resource provides a detailed analysis and explanation of the copyright laws and regulations in the country.
Intellectual Property Law
We will delve into the fundamentals of intellectual property law. We will explore the importance of protecting intellectual property, the different types of intellectual property, and the rights and responsibilities of creators and innovators.
Intellectual Property Resource Book (Volume 2)
This is a two volume collection of all laws, rules and issuances relating to all the fields of intellectual property. Volume 1 is a compilation of all laws, rules and regulations dealing with intellectual property law in general and trademark law, while Volume 2 is a compilation of laws, rules and regulations on patent law and copyright law. The two book series is updated up to 2013. It is a comprehensive compilation such that it also includes the intellectual property law from the Spanish period, presented in the Spanish language. It includes the pertinent and important issuances of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). The compilation is also noted as being the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource book on intellectual property law, such that there is no comparable work in the market today. The two-volume work will most certainly be valuable to the intellectual property lawyer. It is handy, well-organized, up-to-date, well-presented, and comprehensive.
Intellectual Property Resource Book (Volume 1)
This is a two volume collection of all laws, rules and issuances relating to all the fields of intellectual property. Volume 1 is a compilation of all laws, rules and regulations dealing with intellectual property law in general and trademark law, while Volume 2 is a compilation of laws, rules and regulations on patent law and copyright law. The two book series is updated up to 2013. It is a comprehensive compilation such that it also includes the intellectual property law from the Spanish period, presented in the Spanish language. It includes the pertinent and important issuances of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). The compilation is also noted as being the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource book on intellectual property law, such that there is no comparable work in the market today. The two-volume work will most certainly be valuable to the intellectual property lawyer. It is handy, well-organized, up-to-date, well-presented, and comprehensive.
The Revised Corporation Code Annotated
Historically, the Corporation Code of the Philippines was enacted in 1980, or 35 years ago. According to Senator Drilon during his sponsorship speech — “If we are to keep up with the rest of the financial world, we need to codify the best international corporate practices and address the archaic bottlenecks in the areas of starting a business, and protecting minority investors.” Senator Drilon goes on to state the country must likewise provide an environment conducive not just to big businesses, but make the corporate vehicle an appealing prospect for startups and entrepreneurs.
Consumer Protection
The topic on consumerism and retail trade in general is rife for discussion specially during this challenging time where normal modalities of sales, and transactions are taking on new shape and form — from the conventional face to face sale to the ever growing popularity of online sales.
Question and Answer on the Revised Corporation Code
This edition not only revises and expands on the original text but also incorporates new legal precedents and interpretations that have emerged in the dynamic field of corporate law. The goal is to provide readers – whether they be students, legal practitioners, academics, business professionals or members of the bench – with a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the Revised Corporation Code.
Laws on Easement, Road Right-of-Way & Building Setback
This work is but a modest attempt at expounding the meaning of the term easement — sometimes called servitude — and all of its types, in a way that is all-encompassing and easy to comprehend. That easement is simply a right to use and/or enter into the real property of another without possessing the same will be the starting point of fully understanding what the term is all about.
Transportation Law and its Nuances
Transportation law is the area of law dealing with the carriage of passengers and goods from one point to another usually for compensation.
Close Corporations
The publication of this book on Close Corporation in collaboration with Of Counsel and Author Atty. Antonio v. Viray is the Firm’s way of sharing its expertise and experiences in this specialized field of law.
Commercial Law Recap (Book 2)
This 2020 Edition of Commercial Law Recap (Book Two) presents the salient provisions of the Revised Corporation Code and similar to its 2018 Edition, this version tackles other commercial law topics such as Securities Regulation, Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency, Intellectual Property, Negotiable Instruments, Trust Receipts and Letters of Credits. It cites focal legal provisions and updates on applicable jurisprudence relevant to these topics.
Commercial Law Recap (Book 1)
Recap Book One is another worthy companion to the study and appreciation of Commercial Law for law students, bar takers, and law students, bar takers, and law practitioners. With Recap Book One, Atty. Zarah educates beyond the virtual means and makes her teachings available within one’s reach.
Notes and Reviewer in Transportation Law
I also included the highlights of most relevant laws on Transportation especially the law creating the new Department of Information and Communications Technology as well as the newly minted Cabotage Law, for easy reference.
Intellectual Property Code
On a more serious note, this material is based on my course outline which I have been using for the past decade. It highlights the bar examination questions since 1985 to 2017 and salient Supreme Court decisions in every topic.
Negotiable Instruments in a Nutshell (Act No. 2031)
On a more serious note, this material is based on my course outline which I have been using for the past decade. It highlights the bar examination questions since 1987 to 2015 and salient Supreme Court decisions in every topic. The codal provisions are reproduced in the latter part of the book, for reference purposes. May this book help you in the fulfillment of your dreams.
Primer on the Revised Corporation Code (Republic Act No. 11232)
This book showcases the author’s personal “unique” writing style. It is the best companion for law students and bar examinees as it explains the Revised Corporation Code and refers to current jurisprudence as well as bar examination questions for the past two decades.
Reviewer in Commercial Law (Volume 1)
This volume covers Corporation Law, Securities, Partnership and Transportation Law.
Corporation and Basic Securities Law
Like all other materials, this is based on my course outline which I have been using for the past decade. It highlights provisions which were changed under the new law, salient bar examination questions from for the past two decades (yes, kasama na itong katatapos lang na 2020-21 Bar) and recent Supreme Court decisions up to 2021.
Handbook on Insurance Law (RA 10607)
On a more serious note, this material is based on my course outline which I have been using for the past decade. It highlights the bar examination questions since 1975 to 2018 and salient Supreme Court decisions in every topic.
The Negotiable Instruments Law, Notes and Cases
The law merchant was codified in England in 1882 as the Bills of Exchange Act. In the United States, there was pressure to codify a similar set of laws in order to eliminate the conflicting provisions among the rules adopted by the different states. The efforts were successful. A parallel set of laws was codified in the United States as the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law.
Q&A Bar Primer on the Anti-Money Laundering Act
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organization founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G7 to develop policies to combat money laundering, described lawyers as potential “gatekeepers” to money laundering and terrorist financing efforts, due to the different services they can offer to their clients. In the FATF Report on Money Laundering Typologies 2000-2001, the FATF illustrated how lawyers become susceptible to complex money laundering schemes due to their ability to easily switch between “advising on financial and fiscal matters, establishing trusts and corporate entities and completing property and other financial transactions, such as investments.”
Q&A Bar Primer on Banking Laws
The coverage of banking laws in the bar examinations during the last thirty (30) years have been few and far in between. Revisiting the pre-pandemic syllabus on banking laws, the topics were broad and extensive for the reviewees to study and absorb all pertinent laws and provisions on banking.
The Philippine Anti-Money Laundering Act Annotated
This book provides a comprehensive and up to date legal publication on the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) of the Philippines.
Pointers in Banking Laws and the Anti-Money Laundering Act
This book is arranged by the different laws covering Banking Laws, including the AMLA. Each chapter provides a basic discussion of the major concepts and its rationale, and integrates the relevant laws associated to the particular concept.
Quizzer and Reviewer on Corporation Code, Securities Regulation Code and Related Laws
New jurisprudence in Corporation Law and related legislation makes the revision of the 2011 edition of this book a necessity. While teaching Corporation Law or conducting Bar Review lectures in Commercial Law, the author had to incessantly read new cases and materials and found out that many changes in jurisprudence occurred since the last edition of this book.
Quizzer and Reviewer on Insurance Code and Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act [Fria] of 2010
This book as any other book I wrote merely opens the box of ideas of the reader and brings forth vast knowledge that only the reader could unlock with the aid of this book or any book I have written.
Quizzer and Reviewer on Transportation Laws and Public Service Act
Almost ten years elapsed since the previous edition of this book was printed. It is about time that revision is made to update this book. A law book needs constant revision as new principles of law emanate from old provisions.